月に一回発行される園内便り「創造の森」に掲載されている園長 木村 仁の父母に向けてのメッセージです
「2016年度 札幌トモエ幼稚園生活環境説明会」
理事長・園長 木 村 仁
序 「教育」ではなく、『生活環境』と表現するのは、教育を創る基礎となるのが『生活』だからです。とても重要なこと と考え実践探求し続けて46年になります。
生活とは、「生きる意味」、「自分(人間)とは何か」「家族とは何か」などを考えることです。家族とは、お互い に理解し合おうとする人々の集まりであり、お互いに補い合ったりして温かな心の会話を持とうと努力する仲間なので は・・・。
「Briefing Session of Living Environment
In Sapporo Tomoe Kind1ergarten FY 2016」
Educational Institution Souzou no Mori Gakuen (School of Creative Forest)
Sapporo Tomoe Kindergarten (for Family)
Hitoshi Kimura, Chairman and Principal
I use the word ‘living environment’ instead of ‘education’ because ‘daily life’ is the fundamental of ‘education’. I have explored this theme for 46 years understanding that it is the most important one.
Life is to think ‘reasons to live’, ‘who I am (human being is), ‘what family is’ and more. Family is a party of which members try to understand and help each other as well as to maintain heartfelt conversations together.
‘Tomoe’ is therefore ‘a community to live together’.
Practical Study, the Core of ‘Tomoe’
1、Living environment that helps parents understand who their kids are
We can improve our basic understanding on human beings through unborn children and infants. Infants can naturally capture mystery and wonder of human beings forever. You can have better understanding on it in ‘Tomoe’. Cooperating with staff and many people who voluntarily help us, I, as a principal, create the living environment to learn from infants together.
If you keep ‘dignity as a human being’ in your mind when communicating with infants, you will find infinite potential of human beings with your children.
You can find infants constructing ‘self-esteem’ through actions and expressions which are along with his/her own mind. You will see infants considering themselves ‘precious’ when they are loved and trusted. Together with children, adults can also improve their sensibility in Tomoe.
Be aware that children of human beings are most precious existence on earth. Jose Alberto Mujica Cordano, former president of Uruguay in South America stated, ‘a happiest period of human beings is the time you are infants’.
2、Children and parents look for their favorite people in Tomoe
Spending time with people you like, you can achieve richness in mind and heart and hence you will have wider relationship with others. You can find families like your best friends. In Tomoe, many families find their own ‘best families (having good family-to-family relationships)’ and continue the good relationships for decades.
3、Tomoe creates living environment in which any family member can participate and grow up together.
In Tomoe, everyone spends a day to learn how to make the day happy together. Everyone works for making a creative environment brushing herself or himself up. No one has no talent. One may not think so just because the one does not recognize her or his own talent. You can break out of your shell if you want. If you underestimate your value, the behavior will affect your children, possibly future generations, too...
* Let’s create what can be left to descendants forever.